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Monday, January 2, 2012

Step 1: Twist It

I was debating when to begin the loc'ing process. I wanted my hair to be a nice length but not too long. So I gave myself to March. I was also tryna decide if I should loc it myself. I'm fully capable of learning and would enjoy the challenge. However, finding any considerable amount of time is hard these days. I have two babies I have to take care of and feed and they hate being hungry or feeling neglected for more than 5 seconds - especially my big one :-).

Then I saw my godbrother. Turns out his girlfriend locs hair and is pretty good at it. And very affordable. I was growing bored with my fro and too lazy to do anything with it, so I made an appt...just in time for the new year. Behold Step 1 of my loc'ing process. :-D


  1. I'm very excited! I can't wait to see how it progresses. It's like a science project lol


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