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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Goodbye Childhood, Hello Adulthood

Before I begin, let me just say that I'm typing on my brand new iFreakingPad!!!!! Thanks babe you supa rock!!!!!!

Ok, so yesterday I turned the big 2-5 and it felt awesome. I enjoyed all three days of my birthday. Thanks to everyone that showed up.

I'm not sure how I thought I'd feel when this day came or where I'd be but one things for sure it wasn't here. Back when 25 seemed so old maybe I did think that I'd be done having kids living with my husband in our mansion retired. But let's face it: I'm not 5 anymore. Even when I was 21, I thought 25 was a ways away and I planned to "get my groove back" like Stella. Then I turned 23 and reality set in.

I started realizing just how young 25 is and now that I AM 25, it's even younger. I have so many things I still want to do and accomplish; I have so much life to live. I haven't even begun my bucket list yet. There's travel, an established career, wealth, at least one more child, kicking my debt's bootay and a host of other goals.

But as Todd constantly reminds me, I've done so much with my life already. I've lived on my own, had a full-time job in my career field, went on a cruise, bought a car and lived in another state - all before the age of 23.

Now at 25, I have a beautiful daughter, a boyfriend that gave me that beautiful daughter, a job I love, an apartment I can relax in, and family and friends to celebrate with. It's not the life I pictured for myself, and it definitely hasn't been without its share of pain (heartache, lost friendships, layoffs, guilt, deaths, tragedy, depression, confusion, doubt, lessons learned the hard way). But I wouldn't trade my life for anything. It's mine and we're perfect for each other. I just hope the next 25 years will be as blessed as these last 25.

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