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Friday, December 16, 2011

5ive Ways Mommydom is Bad For You

Mommydom really does bring out the best and worst of you. Here are my personal top five Mommydom worsts.

1. Sucking pacifiers. I remember watching Boyz in the Hood thinking man that looks sooo silly what kinda grown person sucks a pacifier. Now I AM that person. I always put her pacifier in my mouth before I give it to her or if we're out and she no longer wants it, I hold it in my mouth. I'm pretty sure I suck it more than she does. Smh

2. My memory. Remember those "this is your brain on drugs" commercials?? Someone should make a "this is your brain on Mommydom" commercial. I swear I can't remember anything .....

3. I sing. This might not sound like a worst, but if you think that then you've never heard me sing. And now I do it all the time. EVERYTHING is a song. Temmy just spit up? There's a SONG for that.

4. I'm jealous. I'm not even gonna lie. I spend all day with Temmy, wake up with her in the middle of the night and yet, I still feel a little bruised ego when she smiles and makes googly faces at Todd. Those are supposed to be my kisses she's giving away.

5. I nap. Don't get me wrong naps are necessary every now and then. However, I usually fall asleep at least once a day trying to put Temmy to sleep. Then I wake up and realize that I have a few moments to actually take care of things around the house before she notices I put her down. I know "sleep when the baby sleeps" is the most given advice, but it feels so wrong. Even when my sleep-deprived body says otherwise, all I can think of are the things not getting done.

Ahhhh the adventures of Mommydom.....

1 comment:

  1. She is sooo beautiful and sooo absolutely worth it...enjoy her and those things as much as u can cause it goes by sooo fast...


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