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Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Our First Thanksgiving
I know this post is late but we had a very busy, but blessed, Thanksgiving holiday.

We started celebrating with dinner and a family sleepover at Keisha's house on Wednesday. The sleepover is a new tradition that Keisha is starting and one that I'm looking forward to. I had a great time and I know that once the kids get older, they'll enjoy each other's company as well. In my head, the future sleepovers sort of remind me of the parties my granny used to have at the house - adults upstairs doing their adult thing (drinking, talking smack, listening to music, having a good time) while we kids were in the basement doing our kid thing (playing video games, talking smack, playing pretend, having a good time).

Thursday, we house hopped, going from my mama's house to Todd's aunt house to his best friend's house, back to Keisha's house before heading home. It was a very long day filled with lots of meets and greets, delicious food and driving. Apparently, Temmy thought so too because she cried every time we got in the car and we both passed out as soon as we got home. Happy Thanksgiving!!! :-)
Uncle Todd & the birthday girl

Friday, Temmy and I slept in while Todd and Jason played the game and watched Netflix. Good day. :-)

Saturday, we took family pix. The pix came out absolutely beautiful, but it was a very long day. We never got a chance to officially celebrate Nema's birthday, but the birthday girl looked absolutely adorable in her pix.

Sunday, we dropped Jason off at Keisha's so that he could grab some authentic Chicagoness before heading back to Houston. We chilled over there for a while before heading back home so Todd could get ready for work in the a.m.

All in all, it was a wonderful holiday filled with family. After all, that's what the holidays are made for and I'm thankful for all of mine, both immediate and extended. LOVE YOU GUYS!


Thanksgiving Day

Todd and Temmy taking pix
Uncle Jason Loves the Kids
Uncle Jason and Temmy
Uncle Jason and Nema

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