Planning on doing some shopping today? Shop online through uPromise at hundreds of retailers. You get special savings and deals and they give Tempess and Tove' money for college. Everyone wins. :-)

Monday, July 29, 2013

And Then I Cried

Today was my first day back in the office. I officially returned to work last week, but I worked from home, which wasn't without its own challenges.

I tried to mentally prepare myself the night before. I even went so far as to meal plan and lay out my clothes for the week. I went to sleep and woke up when my alarm went off. I went through my morning routine and I pumped milk for Tové. I didn't get as much as I normally get.

Even my breasts don't wanna go back.

I got to work, did work, and texted Steve to see how the girls were doing. He told me they were good. Tempess was sleep and she did very well with her letters today.

And then I cried.

I missed them. I missed kissing them. Hugging them. Hearing them in the next room while I worked. I missed Temi running up to me for hugs and kisses every time I went to get water or use the bathroom.

So I cried. Then I got myself together. And then I cried some more.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Tresses: Flat Twists

Inspired by my recent DIY loc quest, I wanted to give Tempess a style that was different from the usual two-strand twists I normally have her rock. I was thinking of giving her braids when I was reminded of my bias against braids. For whatever reason, I prefer twists - always have. They were my preferred style when I joined Team Natural the first time. And once I discovered the flat twist in HS, it was a wrap for french braids.

And so I decided to try my hand at the style below. Not bad for my first time if I must say so myself.

Note: She refused to take a pic without "Baby."

Temi Talks: Poop

Recently, we were at Erica's when lunchtime rolled around. Determined to keep playing, Temi engaged me in the following conversation:

Me: Tempess sit down.
Temi: Mama, noooooo.
Me:  Tempess, it's time to eat. Sit down.
Temi: Ow, poop, Mama, poop.
Me: You pooped?
Temi: Poop. Poop.
Me: Come here. Let me see.

*Temi grins, turns around, backs up and shows me an empty diaper.*

Who taught her that?

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