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Monday, April 8, 2013

It's Almost Time for T-Time

Place your bets in the comment section below.


  1. Okay for real! May 1st.

  2. Lmbo of course you'd say May 13....I don't even think they would let me hold out that long.

  3. Replies
    1. Lol I get your math now....I can roll with that....all 4's.....T4

      Too bad you're wrong tho

  4. Well since moving day is 4/27 ...lets say 4/30 so at least you will be settled my love. :+)

  5. Imma go with on time...but none of your cousins came when they were supose

  6. Lol does anybody come when they are supposed to? Lol Temi didn't, me amd my sibs didn't. Due dates are just there for conversation cuz obviously they don't mean anything lol


You're not just gonna leave without saying sum'n, are ya?

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